

C++ processes data of built-in types (e.g., int, long double) or user-defined types (e.g., struct A, class B, enum C, union D). The C++ standard describes:

The C++ memory organization has to respect the basic requirements of an operating system, but the rest is up to C++.

The basic requirements of an operating system

When we run a program, it becomes a process of an operating system, and a task a processor is executing. A process manages its memory within the limits imposed by the operating system. An operating system offers a process two types of memory: read-only, and read-write.

The read-only memory stores the code of the program (i.e., the processor instructions), and the const data known at compile time, e.g., string literals. This memory is shared by all processes of the same program, which can be a substantial saving for a large program run in a large number (e.g., a web server).

An unprivileged task (a privileged task is a kernel task, i.e., a task of an operating system) cannot do anything that could disturb the operating system and other processes. For instance, an unprivileged task cannot write to its read-only memory. Every process is an unprivileged task.

In the following example we try to write to the read-only memory – please uncomment some lines. The code compiles, but is killed by the operating system with the SIGSEGV (segment violation) signal.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int test1 = 1;

int main()
  // Is the global variable in the read-only memory?
  // *const_cast<int *>(&test1) = 10;
  // const_cast<int &>(test1) = 10;

  // Is this local variable in the read-only memory?
  const volatile int test2 = 2;
  *const_cast<int *>(&test2) = 20;
  cout << test2 << endl;
  const_cast<int &>(test2) = 200;
  cout << test2 << endl;

  // Is this local static variable in the read-only memory?
  static const int test3 = 3;
  // *const_cast<int *>(&test3) = 30;
  // const_cast<int &>(test3) = 30;

  // "Hello!" is a string literal in the read-only memory.
  // *static_cast<char *>("Hello!") = 'Y';

  // A string literal is of type "const char *", and that's why we had
  // to static-cast it to "char *".  This would not compile:
  // *"Hello!" = 'Y';

We can check the location of the variables with the command below. Notice the ‘r’ in the output for the read-only memory:

nm ./sigsegv | c++filt | grep test

All other data is located in the read-write memory, because it can be changed by a process. Every process has its own read-write memory, even when there are many processes of the same program.

What is up to C++

C++ strives for time and memory performance, and that is reflected in the memory organization by, e.g., using pointers (C++ keeps close to hardware). Furthermore, C++ also strives for a flexible control over data management by, e.g., allowing a programmer to allocate data globally, statically, locally or dynamically. Finally, the C++ memory organization is also deterministic: we know exactly when and where the data are destroyed (so that they are destroyed as soon as no longer needed).

C++ is in stark contrast with other languages, such as Java or C#, where data management is simplified at the cost of degraded performance, and constrained management of data. For instance, such languages allow allocation of data on the heap only, which deteriorates performance and flexibility, but enables easy implementation of garbage collection. Some garbage collectors are even further inefficient, because they are nondeterministic, i.e., it is undefined when data are destroyed.

The C++ Standard Committee considered the garbage collection support, but dropped it for performance reasons. Nowadays, C++ requires no garbage collection since it offers advanced container and smart pointer support, which could be considered a form of garbage collection.

Data and their location

The read-write memory stores:

The global and static data

Global data are initialized before entering the main function, and are available everywhere in the program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// This is not a string literal, but a table of characters initialized
// with a string literal.
char t[] = "Hello!";

int main()
  t[0] = 'Y';
  cout << t << endl;

Static data are initialized before its first use, and are local to a function (i.e., unavailable elsewhere):

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "A" << endl;

void foo(bool flag)
  cout << "foo" << endl;
  if (flag)
    static A a;

int main()
  cout << "Main" << endl;

In the example above remove static, and notice the changes in the program output.

The global and static variables seem very similar in that they keep data between calls to a function. However, there are two reasons for using a static over a global variable:

The local data

Data local to a function or a block scope are created on the stack. The local data is automatically destroyed when it goes out of scope. It’s not only a great property you can rely on to have your data destroyed, but also a necessity since the stack has to grow smaller when a scope ends.

Data created locally are destroyed in the reverse order of their creation, because the stack is a FILO (first in, last out) structure.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
  string m_name;

  A(const string &name): m_name(name)
    cout << "ctor: " << m_name << endl;

    cout << "dtor: " << m_name << endl;

int main()
  A a("a, function scope");
  A b("b, function scope");

  // Block scope.
    A a("a, block scope");
    A b("b, block scope");
  cout << "Bye!" << endl;

The dynamic data

Dynamic data are created on the heap, and should be managed by smart pointers, which in turn use the low-level functionality of raw pointers, most notably the new and delete operators.

Data created with the new operator has to be eventually destroyed by the delete operator to avoid a memory leak. We cannot destroy the same data twice, otherwise we get undefined behavior (e.g., a segmentation fault, bugs).

A programmer should use the smart pointers, which is error-safe but hard. In contrast, using raw pointers is error-prone (often resulting in vexing heisenbugs) but easy. Since smart pointers are the C++11 functionality, modern code uses the smart pointers, and the legacy code the raw pointers.

The following example uses the low-level new and delete operators, which is not recommended, but suitable to demonstrate the dynamic allocation.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "ctor\n";

    cout << "dtor\n";

A * factory()
  return new A();

int main()
  A *p = factory();
  delete p;

  cout << "Bye!" << endl;

Local vs dynamic data

Allocation on the stack is the fastest: it’s only necessary to increase (or decrease, depending on the processor architecture) the stack pointer (a.k.a. the stack register) by the size of the memory needed.

A stack can be of fixed size or it can grow automatically: more memory can be allocated for the stack without the process requesting it explicitly, if an operating system can do this. If not, the process is killed with an error in the case of stack overflow.

The following code tests how big a stack is, and whether an operating system automatically allocates more memory for the stack. A function calls itself and prints the number of how many times the function was recursively called. If we see small numbers (below a million) when the process is terminated, the operating system does not automatically allocate more memory for the stack. If we see large numbers (above a million or far more), then the operating system most likely automatically allocates more memory for the stack.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

foo(long int x)
  int y = x;
  cout << y << endl;

int main()

Allocation on the heap is slow, because it’s a complex data structure which not only allocates and deallocates memory of an arbitrary size, but also deals with defragmentation, and so several memory reads and writes are necessary for an allocation.

An operating system allocates more memory for the heap, when the process (i.e., the library which allocates memory) requests it. A heap can grow to any size, only limited by an operating system. When finally an operating system refuses to allocate more memory, the new operator throws std::bad_alloc. Here’s an example:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  for(unsigned x = 1; true; ++x)
      // Allocate 1 GiB.
      std::byte *p = new std::byte [1024 * 1024 * 1024];
      std::cout << "Allocated " << x << "GiBs." << std::endl;

Data on the stack are packed together according to when the data was created, and so data that are related are close to each other. This is called data colocation. And colocation is good, because the data that a process (more specifically, some function of the process) needs at a given time is most likely already in the processor memory cache (which caches memory pages), speeding up the memory access manyfold.

Data allocated on the heap are less colocated (in comparison with the stack): they are more likely to be spread all over the heap memory, which slows down memory access, as quite likely the data is not in the processor memory cache.

Function calls

When calling a function we pass an argument by either value or reference. Also, a function can return its result by either value or reference. There are no other ways of passing an argument or returning a value.

A function has parameters, and we call a function with arguments. A parameter is available inside the function. A parameter has a type and a name given in the function declaration or definition. An argument is an expression that is part of a call expression. A parameter is initialized using an argument.

Passing arguments

If a function parameter is of a non-reference type, we say that a function takes an argument by value, or that we pass an argument to a function by value. In legacy C++, a nonreference parameter was initialized by copying the argument value into the parameter.

If a function parameter is of a reference type, we say that a function takes an argument by reference, or that we pass an argument to a function by reference. Initialization makes the parameter a name (an alias) for the argument data.

The example below shows how we pass arguments by value and by reference. Compile the example with the flags -fno-elide-constructors -std=c++14 (a flag of the GCC compiler), so that the compiler does not elide constructors. If you compile your code with C++17 (e.g., with -std=c++17 in GCC) or higher, your request to disable constructor elision may be ignored by the compiler, because constructor elision in some cases is mandatory since C++17.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
  string m_name;

  A(const string &name): m_name(name)
    cout << "ctor: " << m_name << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor: " << a.m_name << endl;
    m_name = a.m_name + " copy";

  void hello() const
    cout << "Hello from " << m_name << endl;

void foo(A a)

void goo(const A &a)

int main()

Returning a result

If the return type is of a non-reference type, we say that a function returns the result by value. In modern C++ returing by value is fast, does not impose any unnecessary overhead, and therefore is recommended. It’s not what it used to be in the deep past, before C++ was standardized.

Back then returning by value always copied the result twice. First, from a local variable of the function to a temporary place on the stack for the return value. Second, from the temporary place to the final place, e.g., a variable to which the result was assigned.

If the return type is of a reference type, we say that a function returns the result by reference. The reference should be bound to data that will exist when the function returns (i.e., the data should outlive the function). Containers (e.g., std::vector), for instance, return a reference to dynamically-allocated data in, for instance, operator[] or front functions.

The example below shows how to return a result by value and by reference. On a modern system with a modern compiler, a result returned by value is not copied. To see the legacy C++ behviour, compile the example with the flag -fno-elide-constructors -std=c++14. Where and why are objects copied? That depends on the function call convention, constructor elision, and return value optimization.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
  string m_name;

  A(const string &name): m_name(name)
    cout << "ctor: " << m_name << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor: " << a.m_name << endl;
    m_name = a.m_name + " copy";

  void hello() const
    cout << "Hello from " << m_name << endl;

A foo()
  A a("foo");
  return a;

A & goo()
  static A a("goo");
  return a;

int main()

  A a = foo();

Function call convention

The call convention are the technical details on how exactly a function is called, which depend on the system architecture, the operating system, and the compiler. C++ does not specify a call convention, but some C++ functionality (like the constructor elision and the return value optimization) follows from a typical call convention.

Typically, a call convention requires that the caller of the function (i.e., the code that calls the function):

Small data may be passed or returned in processor registers. For instance, a function can take an argument or return as a result an integer in a register, e.g., EAX for x86, Linux, and GCC.

In the legacy call convention, a function returned its result in a temporary place at the top of the stack, which was easy to locate with the stack register – that was an advantage. A disadvantage it was to copy the result from the temporary place to its destination, e.g., a variable that was assigned the result.

The modern call convention allows the place for the return value be allocated anywhere in memory (not only on the stack, but also on the heap, or in the memory for the global and static data), and passing to a function the address of the place in a processor register (e.g., RDI for x86, Linux, and GCC), so that the function can create the return value at the pointed address. We don’t need a temporary place, but only an extra register.

The following example demonstrates that a result can be returned anywhere (as the modern call convention allows), and not only on the stack (as the legacy convention stipulated). In the example the function returns an object directly in the place of memory for global and static data, without copying the object using a temporary place required by the legacy call convention.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "default-ctor" << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor" << endl;

    cout << "dtor" << endl;

A foo()
  return A();

A a = foo();

int main()

Constructor elision

C++ elides (avoids) the copy constructor, and the move constructor for temporary or local objects that will soon be destroyed. Constructor elision (for the copy and move constructors only) is possible, because the temporary and the local object is created in its destination.

This example that demonstrates the constructor elision. Compile the example with, then without the flag -fno-elide-constructors. Notice the differences at run-time.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
  string m_name;

    cout << "default-ctor" << endl;

  A(const string &name): m_name(name)
    cout << "direct-ctor: " << m_name << endl;

  A(const A &a): m_name(a.m_name)
    cout << "copy-ctor: " << m_name << endl;

    cout << "dtor: " << m_name << endl;

int main()
  // That's a function declaration, though in the legacy C++ it used
  // to mean the default initialization of object "foo".
  A foo();

  // The equivalent ways of default initialization.
    A a;
    A b{};
    A c = A();
    A d = A{};
    A e(A{});
    A f{A()};

    // Acceptable and interesting, but we don't code like that.
    A g = A(A());
    A h = A{A{}};

  // The equivalent ways of direct (with arguments) initialization.
    A a("a");
    A b{"b"};
    A c = A("c");
    A d = A{"d"};
    A e(A{"e"});
    A f{A("f")};

    // Acceptable and interesting, but we don't code like that.
    A g = A(A("e"));
    A h = A{A{"f"}};

Compile the various previous examples of passing arguments to and returning results from functions but without disabling the constructor elision. Notice that with constructor elision, objects are not copied (nor moved) unnecessarily.

When a temporary is passed by value as an argument, that temporary is created directly (i.e., with the constructor elided) in the location of the function parameter.

Return by value

A result can be returned by a function directly in its destination, e.g., a variable to which the result is assigned. The idea is to create the result in its destination, so that it doesn’t have to be copied or moved there, i.e., to elide constructors. When returning by value, constructor elision requires the modern call convention.

This functionality is a C++17 feature, but prior to C++17 it was known as the return value optimization (RVO), because it was an optional feature of a compiler optimizer. Since C++17, the copy and move constructors can be unavailable if they are elided, and therefore the following code is valid for C++17 (GCC option -std=c++17), but not for C++14 (GCC option -std=c++14):

struct A
  A() = default;
  A(A &&) = delete;

A foo(A)
  return A();

  A a = foo(A());

This functionality not always can take place, because of technical reasons. First, because we return data, which has to be created prior to deciding which data exactly to return:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "default-ctor" << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor" << endl;

    cout << "dtor" << endl;

A foo(bool flag)
  // These objects have to be created, and since we don't know which
  // is going to be returned, both of them have to be created locally.
  A a, b;

  // The returned value must be copied.
  return flag ? a : b;

int main()

Second, because we try to return a function parameter, which was created by the caller, not the function, and so the function cannot create the parameter in the location for the return value:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "default-ctor" << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor" << endl;

    cout << "dtor" << endl;

A foo(A a)
  return a;

int main()

Finally, because we try to return global or static data, which has to be available after the function returns, and so the function can only copy the result from the global or static data:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct A
    cout << "default-ctor" << endl;

  A(const A &a)
    cout << "copy-ctor" << endl;

    cout << "dtor" << endl;

// Global data.
A a;

A foo()
  // This one overshadows the global "a".
  static A a;
  return a;

A goo()
  return a;

int main()




The project financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in the years 2019 - 2022 project number 020/RID/2018/19 the amount of financing 12,000,000 PLN.