

Alexander Stepanov, one of the founding fathers of generic programming, wrote in his book “From Mathematics to Generic Programming”:

Generic programming is an approach to programming that focuses on designing algorithms and data structures so that they work in the most general setting without the loss of efficiency.

Key are:

The most general setting

Generic programming in C++ is supported by templates and overloading. With templates we can use and implement without the loss of efficiency:

The example below shows how we can use containers and algorithms of the standard library. This example needs a C++17 compiler.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

  vector v{3, 1, 2};
  sort(v.begin(), v.end());
  for(const auto &e: v)
    cout << e << endl;

In the above example we can change the type of the sorted numbers from int to double: it’s enough to change type vector to vector<double> (i.e., to give argument double to template type vector). We can change type vector to array (with #include <array> added) or deque (with #include <deque> added). At compile-time, the sort function template is instantiated (compile-tailored) for the type of the structure, and the type of the structure elements used.

Generic programming can operate on data that are not objects, e.g., C-style arrays, and so it is more general than object-oriented programming (that works with objects only). We can change the above example, so that it works not only with containers (which are objects), but with C-style arrays too: we replace the calls to member functions begin and end with non-member function templates std::begin and std::end:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

  int a[] = {3, 1, 2};
  sort(begin(a), end(a));
  for(const auto &e: a)
    cout << e << endl;

But that example doesn’t work for type list. The compiler produces a lengthy error message that’s hard to decipher. The problem is the list iterator is not random access, i.e., we cannot increase the iterator by an arbitrary number: list{3, 2, 1}.end() + 2 does not compile. Iterator is random access if the structure has the random access operator operator[], and list doesn’t have it.

The real problem is the poor diagnostics. We should have received an error message that function sort expects random access iterators. C++20 introduced concepts that would allow for proper error messages, but that functionality has yet to be implemented in the standard library implementations (e.g., GCC).

No loss of efficiency

For the C++ Standard Committee, the time and memory efficiency is the priority, and the ease of language use comes second. Therefore the program that uses the abstraction mechanisms (e.g., templates) must work as fast as possible (i.e., as fast as the hand-crafted code), albeit the code might be harder to write.

In the simple examples below we check whether the abstraction mechanisms introduce any performance overhead. Each of these programs writes to the standard output numbers 1 and 2. We are interested in the assembly code.

This is the baseline code, i.e., to this code we compare the others (test_baseline.cc):

#include <iostream>

  std::cout << 1 << 2;

This example uses templates (test_template.cc):

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
foo(T a, T b)
  std::cout << a << b;

  foo(1, 2);

We compile both examples to the assembly code (we can use the Compiler Explorer too) and we look for differences (c++filt can come useful too):

g++ -O2 -std=c++17 -S test_baseline.cc test_template.cc
meld test_baseline.s test_template.s

There are no differences. Using a function template does not deteriorate performance: the second example is as fast as the baseline example.

In that example, as the assembly language shows, the parameters of a template function are not initialized (copied, specifically) based on the call arguments, even though they are passed by value. In the C language, a function that accepts arguments by value (neither by pointer, nor by reference as it doesn’t exist in C) always has its parameters initialized based on call arguments, and that brings performance down.

A regular (non-template) function can be inlined too:

#include <iostream>

foo(int a, int b)
  std::cout << a << b;

  foo(1, 2);

A tuple (std::tuple) also doesn’t introduce overhead. Type tuple is a templated structure, so it has a constructor and a destructor but they are empty. Here’s an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>

using namespace std;

  tuple t{1, 2};
  cout << get<0>(t) << get<1>(t);

Even iterating over the elements of std::array doesn’t introduce any overhead:

#include <array>
#include <iostream>

  std::array a{1, 2};
  for(auto e: a)
    std::cout << e;

Instantiation allows for better optimization:

#include <iostream>

template <unsigned I>
divide(int t)
  return t / I;

divide(int t, int I)
  return t / I;

  volatile int x = 2;
  // Super-fast division by bit shifting.
  std::cout << divide<2>(x) << std::endl;
  // Regular division, depending on optimizer.
  std::cout << divide(x, 2) << std::endl;

Generic vs object-oriented programming

C++ is multiparadigm: object-oriented, structural, procedural, functional and generic. Generic and object-oriented programming are complementary, not mutually exclusive.

We implement a complex type as a structure, and its specific operations as member functions – that’s a typical example of object-oriented programming. Operations (algorithms) are best implemented as non-member functions (aka free-standing, global or namespace functions), so that they can be overloaded for any type, not only class types – and that’s a typical example of generic programming.

We often need to implement different functionality for different types. Generic programming and object-oriented programming use polymorphism to this end, but of different kind:

Bottom line, generic programming is super fast and works with any type, while object-oriented programming is slower and works with class types only, e.g., 1.foo() would not compile.

An example of static polymorphism

In the example below we use static polymorphism implemented with function overloading. These overloads have some identical code (std::cout << "Function foo:"; and std::cout << std::endl), and some extra code depending on the parameter type (e.g., std::cout << i; for integers).

#include <iostream>

struct A

// B doesn't have to derive from a base class.
struct B

void foo(const int &i)
  std::cout << "Function foo: ";
  std::cout << i;
  std::cout << std::endl;

void foo(const A &)
  std::cout << "Function foo: ";
  std::cout << "A";
  std::cout << std::endl;

void foo(const B &)
  std::cout << "Function foo: ";
  std::cout << "B";
  std::cout << std::endl;


Below we use a function template, where the identical code from the example above appears once. The function template uses operator << that is overloaded for various types. We still rely on overloading, as in the example above, but for the operator << only, which we could use in other parts of code. We could say that function foo now is generic.

#include <iostream>

struct A

std::ostream &
operator << (std::ostream &os, const A &)
  os << "A";
  return os;

// B doesn't have to derive from a base class.
struct B

std::ostream &
operator << (std::ostream &os, const B &)
  os << "B";
  return os;

template <typename T>
void foo(const T &t)
  std::cout << "Function foo: ";
  std::cout << t;
  std::cout << std::endl;


An example of object-oriented programming

The same functionality we could implement using dynamic programming. However, the assembly code is much more complicated, because of the call to a virtual function.

#include <iostream>

struct A
  virtual void foo() const
    std::cout << "A\n";

// Type B must derive from the base class.
struct B: A
  void foo() const override
    std::cout << "B\n";

foo(const A &a)
  std::cout << "Function foo: ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // foo(1);


Generic programming:
